Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009

Update! There's always something to do here, someone to talk to, a coffee to drink and a walk to take. I didn't get into bed before midnight for weeks and so I've been too lazy and tired to update for a long time. But now.

As you can see, the rooms in the University home are huge. Here's my room:

...and the big kitchen:

The second or third day, a new friend and I went to IKEA to buy some stuff for our rooms because they were so empty. IKEA is in Arlon, Belgium, because it's quality was never accepted by the Luxemburgish people. Interesting, isn't it?

Also, the University organized a tour to see the city of Luxemburg (photos following) and the "little Switzerland" of Luxemburg, Echtnernach (photos following).

For now, just a few impressions of Luxemburg City:

The girl in the picture is my best friend and stalker Nina :) You will see more pictures of her yet!

Also, does anybody read this blog? Comments make an author happy...